Thursday, May 31, 2007

God is Good

i just got a job! yesterday, an hour after my interview. its 10 mins from my house, working at a dump/recycling centre. sounds fun eh? but its work, and its regular hours, monday - friday, and thats what i'm all about. the cool part is that there were two positions available, one for mowing and painting, and the other for the dump, and they offered this one but also working the other position for the next three weeks starting monday (!!) and then taking my other job in july. its a grant job, and the grant is only for 10 weeks of work, but they are offering me 3 extra weeks just because (God is awesome!). too good! and i discussed time off with them and they were cool about it, so i am taking three days off and going to see terrell! i booked my flights this afternoon. i leave in like 22 days. seriously, everything has just fallen into place so quickly, i am so excited and so happy. i am nervous about my new job, but excited to start working so quickly. basically, i love life!!!


Jadis said...

Yay!!!!! I'm so excited for you. That sounds utterly perfect.

Brynne said...

Yay for working Mon-Fri! Even though your hours are likely a little more humane than mine. I worked 11 hours today. Oy.
And YAY! you get to see Terrell! I'm glad that ended up working out for you.
I'm coming home for the weekend of the 15th for sure, cause it's Garnet Bell's wedding social on the 16th. So we could perhaps hang out during the day? Or you could come to the social? Or both? We'll figure something out.

Kathen said...

Saw ya mowin' today! I tells ya, peoples, Janna Rocks that mower, whippin' around them lil' trees and tearing around like Nascar. And dispite Bo's opinion, I didn't see any spots you missed.

Anonymous said...

and i love you! yay you'll be home. and my selfish self is very happy about that.