Look, it's Curtis and me on grad day, aren't we beautiful?
I don't really have the drive to write anything about grad, other than it was a great day, everyone looked beautiful, I WON AWARDS and I was really emotional and cried through alot of it. Thanks so much to everyone who gave me cards that said nice things in them (thats you, Christie) and for all the beautiful gifts. And special thanks to my parents who made all of this possible, I'm sorry for all the time, money, concern and effort you've put in through the past 12 years, especially when it came to math, Mom. I don't even wanna think of where I'd be without all of the above stuff, so really I am truely grateful. Even though I am very excited to finish this chapter of my life, I am also sad to leave behind many amazing people that have helped make me into the person that I am today. Without most of you, I think life would be very different. Thanks for all your prayers! I love you all!!
P.S. I miss you Cass.
P.P.S. I miss Ireen too.
P.P.P.S. And Henky Panky, miss you, boy.
I miss Cass, Ireen, and Henk too...
You and Curtis look amazing. It's kind of sick how perfectly his shirt matches your dress. I'm downloading alot of Imogen Heap right now, and I should be sleeping, but I don't care, and you can tell Kristin "Thanks" from me for telling me that her solo stuff was worth listening to too. I love Useless.
rrrrr i have gone to six different music venues across canada adn cannot find any of her stuff, and she's so unstoppably amazing!! and also, i miss you both grossly. i love you!!
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