Saturday, March 03, 2007

I Only Need One!

Is there any way to work off a double chin?
I lose weight and yet it remains.
I hate it!
by the way sorry for the lack of posting; blogger has been ticking me off lately and i have been swamped at school - a really bad cold, assignments due everyday (including a 3500 word essay!), RA applications, and outtatown friends visiting. its been crazy! i hope this month will be less crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My initial thought is to just commit to only hanging out with people with three or four chins. That way, your chin will seem positively svelte in comparison.

Or . . . Auntie Vimy could likely suggest a fitness program for your chin. 50 reps of this or that and . . . No, then you'd be sweaty and have to shower more often, with little time left for other important things.

Hmmmm. . .

OK. Everyone with 4 chins, form a line over here!