Sunday, February 18, 2007

Choir Tour Funking

So I'm back from tour.
It was amazing.
I wish I could explain all the details but I don't think I can.
It was GREAT to be in a smaller community again, especially while travelling.
It reminded me of Outtatown in some ways.
It was wonderful even though everyone got the flu.
It just made everyone lift each other up.
I especially loved our devotional times together, they were very special.
I almost cried singing "The Lord Bless and Keep You" today.
Our conductor did.
Agh I am so NOT happy to be back in the real world.
The caf seemed too crowded, res seems too big.
There is more to do then sleep and sing.
I feel emotional and weird.
I think I'll watch a movie and have a good cry, then go to bed.
I wish I could hang out with Terrell, but he's working hard on an essay.
He inspires me with his dedication to school.
I love that guy!
Ok, I am off.
Have a good one.


Anonymous said...

But you had me to hang out with. I enjoyed getting Slurpees, candy and McD's fries, and watching weird movies, a creepy and disturbing CSI episode, and Disney with you ce soir.

Jadis said...

Oh, my dear! I love you and let the funk live on! The good cry will be excellent and hopefully Brynne's lovely face will cheer you up.