Thursday, April 13, 2006

The ABCs of...Me

A- Age: 19
B- Band you're listening to: Bonnie Tyler
C- Crush: Terrell Wiebe!
D- Dad's name: Owen
E- Easiest person to talk to: Terrell - goodness we could about anything!
F- Favourite ice cream: soft chocolate
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears: bears!
H- Hometown: you all know where it is
I- Instruments: Trumpet, Piano, Guitar
J- Junior High (high school): SCS
K- Kids: what does that even mean? I like them.
L- Longest car ride ever: from Pretoria to Glencairn - 18 hours!
M- Mom's name: Jody
N- Nicknames: Banane, Diane, Janna Faye, Nelson
O- One wish: I wish Terrell was still here.
P- Phobia[s]: Holy crap moths, clowns, and bats!
Q- Quote: "Everything sucks when it happens." Oh Zachary.
R- Reason to smile: I am loved! and sweatpants.
S- Song you sang last: "Naked" by Avril...I was playing my guitar.
T- Time you woke up today: 10 am
U- Unknown fact about me: I've never been to Boston in the fall...
V- Vegetable[s]: are good and rare to find raw in South Africa
W-Worst Habit: picking at my face probably
X- ermm. yeah.
Y - Years since you've been to church: I was in church 4 days ago
Z- Zodiac sign: Aquarius, not like it matters.


Big Mac mama said...

Aah. So good to see word vomit again :) (I've never been to boston in the fall either)

Anonymous said...

Yay for Pretoria to Glencairn!! you and me are all about the long bus rides, Hey I was in your church 4 days ago, amazing!!

Jadis said...

word sarah...altough i think i've said the word vomit a couple of times this week.