Thursday, March 10, 2005

In Rememberance

Okay, so I've been deeply changed and moved by the four RCMP officers killed in Alberta. Everytime I see anything about them on the news, I cry. Right now an "In the Line of Duty" special is on. Oh wow, I just couldn't stop crying. Over 700 officers have died in Canada since the 60s. This one officer, his wife was 4 weeks pregnant when he was killed. He was only 21. She never met her father. Another one has a young child and leaves a pregnant wife. Oh, its just awful.
One of the officers was the son of a Lutheran pastor, and he told his dad that no matter what happened to him on the job, he knew where he was going to end up. I mean how beautifully and tragically sad is that? I just bawled. I mean he was only 25, he had his whole life ahead of him. He's with Jesus now, but the fact is he shouldn't be. He should be living his life, having children. I find it so unfair and awful. The truth is, nobody is to blame. As long as there's sin in the world, this will happen. People need Jesus, you know? Like people just need to find Him and hang out with Him and get to know Him and maybe stuff like this wouldn't happen. There was no reason to shoot those men. Oh this is awful, I am so sad.
I wish I could do something, I'm just feeling this deep desire to help out. The worst thing is that no matter what I do, or tried to do, nothing can bring this men back to their loved ones.

Const. Peter Schiemann, aged 25

Const. Leo Johnston, aged 32

Const. Anthony Gordon, aged 28

Const. Brock Myrol, aged 29

"We seek comfort in the midst of our sorrow, peace in the midst of our inner turmoil and hope...from a good and gracious God who is more powerful than the evil in us and around us. Yes, what happened to Peter and the others was horrific. Sin will run rampant, but horror and evil, sin and death did not win the day."

You will be remembered.

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