So I've been thinking about Heaven lately. A girl I know who's my age died this week in a car accident, and I've been thinking about her alot, and death, and bad timing, and life, and basically evaluating so many things. I mean if I were to die right now, I'd almost feel satisfied because I just had an amazing year - but still jipped because I have so many amazing things to do. I know that God is going to use me in so many ways still has so many plans in store for me. I feel like my life is falling into place, and really can see God's hand in so much of it. I mean I had a scary incident with a semi the other week and His hand protected me then. Where was it when Sam was driving? I'm just trying to sort it all out. Anyhoo, back to the main topic. I was listening to the song "Tremble" by Audio A and thought about how every person, whether saved or not, will face God on their judgement day. How Sam did it, how I have yet to do it. How sad I will look, on my knees begging God to forgive everything I've ever done...Here are the words. They paint a vivid picture.
Shaking like a leaf
Afraid to life my eyes
Afraid of all your glory
Ashamed of all my pride
Then you call me in
To your holy place
I fall down
Down on my face
And I beckon you for mercy
And I beckon you to forgive everything that I've ever done
And I tremble
And I tremble
I am just a man
Showered in your grace
You're the holy god
Your glory fills this place
And I beckon you for mercy
And I beckon you to forgive everything I've ever done
And I tremble
I tremble