I will say that it was astounding seeing so many people turn to Christ! Amazing! And Newsboys, and okay I will post later!!
Here are some pictures for your enjoyment!
The huge sign in front of me...there was over 1000 people in the choir, it was sweet!
Me and my lovely friend Janelle managed to sit together - yay!
Franklin on the big screen. I don't think I really like his approach to get people to turn to Christ (ei decribing hell, condemnation, etc) but obviously he's doing some great work for the Lord and it is working - people are definitly coming to God by going to these events. I just hope that he remains sensitive to God's voice and that it is only God who gives him his words. I don't know how I would've felt if I wasn't a Christian. I thought it was great to have him in the city, hopefully touching many lives.
So was M. Dub, and Newsboys and Tree63. And Paul Brandt! So good live! I totally enjoyed him. And Terrell was so cute watching him, aww. Okay but the big story is that only ppl with wristbands could get into the pit for Newsboys and Tree63, and yet Janelle, Jessica, Terrell and I managed to get there. All we said was, "we're in the choir" and they let us go! Jesus wanted us to be there! It was sweet! I moshed like a tool, the Newsboys sang all these songs of theirs I knew, like Breakfast, Shine, He Reigns, and man it was SWEET! And he had so many great things to say, man! But yeah that was amazing. The worship this weekend ROCKED MY SOCKS. I have never worshiped God in that way before, I don't think. Thank you Tommy Walker!
All the people in the middle came down for alter call - so many souls were won for Jesus this weekend! Amazing! It was an astounding sight.
Terrell, Caryn and myself eating some canning curtesy of Baba - we missed a few meals at the festival and they sure hit the spot.
Of course I am fasting now for the week of solidarity - one cup of rice and a half a cup of lentils plus three slices of bread equals my daily quota of food. So I miss the canning...and I could go for a burger right now. Hmm...but yeah, the weekend was a little bit crazy and rushed but generally a success! Praise God for it all!
Here are some pictures for your enjoyment!

So was M. Dub, and Newsboys and Tree63. And Paul Brandt! So good live! I totally enjoyed him. And Terrell was so cute watching him, aww. Okay but the big story is that only ppl with wristbands could get into the pit for Newsboys and Tree63, and yet Janelle, Jessica, Terrell and I managed to get there. All we said was, "we're in the choir" and they let us go! Jesus wanted us to be there! It was sweet! I moshed like a tool, the Newsboys sang all these songs of theirs I knew, like Breakfast, Shine, He Reigns, and man it was SWEET! And he had so many great things to say, man! But yeah that was amazing. The worship this weekend ROCKED MY SOCKS. I have never worshiped God in that way before, I don't think. Thank you Tommy Walker!

Of course I am fasting now for the week of solidarity - one cup of rice and a half a cup of lentils plus three slices of bread equals my daily quota of food. So I miss the canning...and I could go for a burger right now. Hmm...but yeah, the weekend was a little bit crazy and rushed but generally a success! Praise God for it all!
Yes, Newsboys were awesome. Please don't forget to send me our bathroom photoshoot pics.
Agreed, the Newsboys are awesome and I'm glad you were so full of Jesus. Worship is tres amazing and so is watching people decide to committ to him.
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