So this week has been good...rainy, grey and thus making me feel drained, but alright so far. Plus I dyed Caryn's hair, and that was exciting, and last night Chaput dyed my hair! Red and black, whoo! Plus, as you can see - I got bangs! Whoa! Scary and exciting. At least she can help me style it...ha ha. Well I should go eat supper so later gaters!
Janna banana u look hot as always, love the new hair!! U'r way braver than i am when i comes to hair thats for sure.well chit chat with u another time l8rs
whoa janna you're hot.
you know...
i'm not attracted to girls or anything....
but i'm just trying to say....
i like the way you're put together.
and also....
i miss dying my hair.
i've had my natural hair colour for over a year now!! isnt that insane!!! maybe i should dye it again..... ummm....
i heart you.
love it!!!!
wow i'm insanely jealous right now!! lol my hair is too much work!
OMKP!! I love it!! You Bryce women are way to beautiful! It totally makes me want to dye my hair black and blue again!
Janna, you're HOT with that hair. Isn't it amazing how much we look alike? (lol)
Love ya!
gorgeous love
Hot hair! Bangs rock. I miss you. We must hang. Phantom rocked my socks off.
mom i love that you just said 'lol'!! thank you all for your lovely comments. :)
Janna, I love you, I miss you and your hair makes me excited.
wow!!! hot stuff.. ;)
That's a gorgeous Chaput cut!
Awesome hair!
dudes my dad posted on here! i feel special and happy! :)
Your dad rocks. The only time my dad ever posted on my blog was when I was posting during physics. He told me to pay attention in class.
Wow I don't wanna give you a swelled head or anything cuz it seems like you've heard it enough, but that your hair rocks my snocks Janna.
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