Well the best part of the entire day was when TERRELL CALLED ME! Seriously, made like my week, I was so happy! Plus we talked for like 74 minutes...yeah it was amazing to hear from him! :)
Ok so Ashley and Curtis arrived, and then Kaitlan and Brynne. So we snuck into the school and scared the little kids by throwing a ball in the gym...ha ha that was fun. Then we went and found Brad, and Kaitlan gave him his Christmas gift. We invited him over after cadets was finished. Then we watched Codie get his truck hopelessly stuck in the ditch. Then we headed back to my house, where Henk was waiting - in his yellow shirt! That truely made my joy complete!
So we watched Weekend at Bernies, which is pretty much the funniest movie ever. Brad showed up. Then we watched The Odd Couple 2, which we mostly talked through. I checked my e-mail and Caryn sent me the best e-mail ever! It made like my entire day! Yeah, it was amazing, I really love that girl.
So after the movie Curtis and I started throwing orange peels at each other. He was behind the loveseat and I was in front of the Christmas tree, and we pelted each other with peels for like half an hour! It was hilarious! My aim was good, but my consistancy was terrible! It was funny, I hit him square in the face so many times. I was like crying I was laughing so hard! That was like the funniest 30 minutes of my life.
Then we decided to go for a walk. So Brynne, Henk, Curtis and I head out to walk the streets at like 2:00 am. We walked everywhere, the streets were completely dead. We even stood in the middle of the highway for like 10 minutes, and it was dead. So we walked around and told freaky stories and decided to walk to the graveyard, which is across the highway by the school. So we went out there and it was really dark. We were walking through really deep snow, and then we hit this super deep snow drift. Curtis teetered, and then fell on me, who fell on Brynne, and we were stuck in this huge snow bank! I couldn't stop laughing, and I also couldn't get up. Henk had to pull us up. So we trudged on, and got back by the school. Then we saw this huge drift, and we all ran and jumped in it. We did that for so long, and took all these dumb pictures. We just layed in the snow for a crazy long time. I was freezing by the time we stood up and walked back to my house.
We got back to my house around 4:30, and Ashley was sleeping. They had watched Liar Liar when we were gone. Then we all put on dry pants and watched a TV Evangalist on mute, with me doing narration. He had a huge head! Goodness. Then Curtis and Kaitlan tickled me until I thought I would die. I also ate a sick amount of chips. But yeah, around 7:00 we decided to get some sleep. I woke up at 10:00 today. Crap I'm tired, so off I go to have a nap. We were gonna go to see Narnia today, but the roads are too icey.
So yeah, that was a ridiculously good time, I am so content with how that went. Here's a pic of some snowy craziness for your enjoyment. :)

OMG, it totally was like, the best day ever. I'll have to bring you a blank cd, cause I want all those pics.
I just noticed that my nose looks huge in that picture! LOL I love it!
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