Ok, so Brynne introduced me to this band and I like them. Well I like them enough to write a post on them, I guess. I would like them more if they didn't swear. Like the one song is so good, but they swear like 3 times in it, and it made me sad. But yeah, I love like 3 of the songs on their CD (probably because they are the only ones I actually understand). They sound like Fall Out Boy, only more 'emo' or what have you. I think that "But its Better If You Do" is the best song, that and "Time to Dance." They're super random, like they say stuff like: Just for the record, the weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of: A. Indifference or B. Disinterest in what the critics say. Like thats funny! My favorite lyrics though are 'When I say "Shotgun", you say "Wedding", "Shotgun!" "Wedding!" "Shotgun!" "Wedding!" So random, like what is that? It actually makes sense in the song...anyhoo. So yes, Panic! is pretty a-okay. Maybe don't listen to them when you're feeling down because they are all emo and moody, I mean look at them!
Wow that was a super honest review.
EDIT: By the way, what the heck is emo? What is the real definition of it? I'm starting to doubt that these guys are emo - but I mean they look emo...what a dumb word. EMO. Emo eMO EmO! Ha ha, I'm silly. But seriously, what defines 'emo'?
yay for Panic! At the Disco!!! I love them!!!
Emo stands for "emotional" which is stupid, because isn't that the whole point of music in general? And, I would just like to point out, that Cassie and Trevor totally get the credit for Panic! because if it wasn't for the two of them, I never would have heard of them.
Its just emotion, taking me over...
Thats dumb, emotion and emo. Emo seems cooler than that. Well it tries to be...
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