Okay so the past two days have been good and bad. Last night was totally fun! Dingus and I went out for supper, and read the Miss Lonelyhearts stuff from the paper and talked and laughed like two huge idiots! Then we sang DC-10, and I called the newspaper the dictionary. That was funny! And we dicussed the "NO MORE PICTURES" moment. Seriously, if we were watching it at home, would we have yelled it? Together? In unison? Was it the Red Bull? Was it the sugar? Was it the excitement of failing a bio exam and then driving to Brandon in the Gremlin and staying up too late? Maybe we just shouldn't watch movies together, at least not in public...
Then I felt really awful last night, my mouth hurt. So I went to bed really early. Then today I wrote a stupid open book bio test, that I'll most likely need "divine intervention" to pass. LOL it wasn't too awful I guess, it was just BLAHHH. A bio test. Then art was just art, and I got a headache from all the evil paint fumes, and it was funny watching Jannelle paint in anger, lol. Then I went to work and came home and showered to get ready for my first drama rehersal! I was so excited (wow there's a really retarded Ashanti Herbal Essences ad on TV right now). So I got all prettied up, and went, and then there was no one there. Seriously, all the people I wanted to see, like my Westman crew, was non-existant. I wanted to cry. Brynne told me I smelled good, and I told her it was wasted. It was also SO BORING and gross because its like Jim hitting on Jackie, ew! And so we left at the break cuz we were tres bored. Then we spent half an hour throwing snow chumks at a snow bank on the roof trying to get a bottle that was stuck up there down. It was freaking hilarious! And cold. So Sarah left and Brynne came here and we drank water and watched the Festival tape. Wow we were all like 5 years old, Henk looks so little and I look so NASTY! Wow! Then she left and I read some of the play to mom. Then I came on here to e-mail some people and post. And here I be. And I just found out that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston split up!!! NO!!! This is so awful! I'm sad, there were an adorable couple that I really wanted to last! :( So that killed it. And I'm exhausted and going to bed - my parents fell asleep watching a CSI rerun.
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