Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Birthday Silly-ness

Pick the month you were born:
January - I kicked
February - I loved
March - I smoked
April - I bought
May - I choked on
June - I murdered
July - I did the Macarena with
August - I had lunch with
September - I danced with
October - I sang to
November - I yelled at
December - I ran over

Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1 - a birdbath
2 - a monster
3 - a phone
4 - a fork
5 - a thong
6 - a gangster
7 - my cell phone
8 - my dog
9 - my best friends' brother
10 - my neighbor
11 - my science teacher
12 - a banana
13 - a fireman
14 - a stuffed animal
15 - a goat
16 - a pickle
17 - your mom
18 - a spoon
19 - myself
20 - a baseball bat
21 - a ninja
22 - Chuck Norris
23 - a noodle
24 - a squirrel
25 - a football player
26 - my sister
27 - my brother
28 - an I-pod
29 - a permanent marker
30 - a llama
31 - my retainer

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White - because I'm cool like that.
Black - because that's how I roll.
Pink - because I want to be popular.
Red - because the voices told me to.
Blue - because I'm sexy and I do what I want.
Green - because you smell.
Purple - because I'm cool.
Gray - because I was drunk.
Yellow - because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars.
Orange - because I love a challenge.
Brown - because I was high.
Other - because I'm a ninja.
None - because I can’t control myself.

Now type out the sentence you made as a comment for me!


jannafaye said...

Well, I'll do mine on here:
I loved a banana because I love a challenge.
(Janna and banana, almost ironic!)

Anonymous said...

I had lunch with a ninja because I'm cool like that

Jadis said...

I sang to a football player because that's how I roll.

Brynne said...

I danced with a monster because I'm sexy and I do what I want.

Anonymous said...

I murdered a gangster because the voices told me to.


Anonymous said...

Whoopsie! Wrong reason! It's because I'm sexy and I do what I want! :}

cassie trumbley said...

i danced with a spoon because i'm cool like that.

and janna.....
what about my remix?
if you were a remix...
what song would you be
and who would mix you?

Anonymous said...

I murdered an I-Pod because thats how i roll

Big Mac mama said...

I smoked a noodle, because I'm cool like that.

Anonymous said...

I yelled at a pickle because I'm sexy and I do what I want.

("Whateva, Whateva! I don what I want!"- Eric Cartman)

Anonymous said...

So today I murdered a gangster because I want to be popular!

Uh, did it work, guys? Do you like me? Hey, out there! Anybody like me? Anybody? Hmmmm . . .

Anonymous said...

I had lunch with a stuffed animal because I love a challenge

Kathen said...

I murdered with a baseball bat because I'm a ninja. So there.