I love So You Think You Can Dance. I'm addicted. It is my favorite show, ever. I love the contestants, oh my word. Like Ivan and Allison? I can't wait for them to get married, they are obviously in love. That contempory dance they did to Annie Lennox was astounding, I was moved. And Donyelle and Benji, so cute, they just adore each other. I must say I also love to watch Travis dance - its very natural for him to move the way he does. And his hair is stellar. I am really rooting for these guys, I feel like I truely care for them. I laugh with them, cheer with them, cry with them, and feel genuinely like a proud mother when they succeed.
I need to get a life.
Total agreement from my corner. About the show, I mean. Although you could probably use a life as well.
I totally found Ivan and Allison's contemporary on YouTube...Officially the bestest website ever.
i cried when ben left the show. really.
benji and donyelle are going to get married.
travis and martha are going to get married.
i mean how could they not. they so clearly love each other. and i dance.
I heart Benji! Sorry, I just had to get that out of the way.
Benji MUST win!
He and Donyelle are totally in love, its s beautiful thing to watch them and know that they will get married.
My mom and I are TOO addicted to this show!
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