guys...God is so great....
i was just sitting here looking at my bib lit with dismay when my phone went off.
tyler had texted me!
it said, "janna we love you and are praying for you. you will do awesome.
you can do all things through Him who gives you strength."
and i never expressed any concern to him at all, and i was just feeling overwhelmed....
totally a God thing.
off to study now, i hope it goes well.
p.s. terrell's mom sent me a letter and my soul is very thrilled. :)
p.p.s. look guys, i have the cutest boyfriend alive! seriously!

Hi Janna! It's Jenny. I'm really worried about Jordan - I haven't heard from him since Canadian Thanksgiving! I tried to e-mail him, but it wouldn't go through - and when I tried to e-mail you, that didn't work either! O_o This is really frustrating...I need to know what's going on with him.
Janna, don't worry, you'll do fine. I'll be praying for you tomorrow morning.
Talk to you later.
Janna, don't worry, you'll do fine. I'll be praying for you tomorrow morning.
Talk to you later.
Janna, don't worry, you'll do fine. I'll be praying for you tomorrow morning.
Talk to you later.
Janna, don't worry, you'll do fine. I'll be praying for you tomorrow morning.
Talk to you later.
Janna, don't worry, you'll do fine. I'll be praying for you tomorrow morning.
Talk to you later.
Diane, don't worry, you're gonna do fine.
I'll be praying for you tomorrow morning.
Talk to you later.
Diane, don't worry, you're gonna do fine.
I'll be praying for you tomorrow morning.
Talk to you later.
Diane, don't worry, you're gonna do fine.
I'll be praying for you tomorrow morning.
Talk to you later.
Diane, don't worry, you're gonna do fine.
I'll be praying for you tomorrow morning.
Talk to you later.
LOL I have a feeling Brynne thinks you'll do fine. Just a feeling though. And yes, cheek pinchingly cute hahaha
holy crap, my computer freaked out :S sorry
this is hilarious! I laughed.
It went pretty good! definitly passed.
i thought all these comments would be about terrell being cute, lol!
I think I look kinda stupid!! but if you think its cute then thats cool. Love Ya
Janna is Diane. My computer is just a colossal spaz.
Jenny again. I hate to be a pest, but did you miss my comment waaaaay at the top? (It could've easily gotten lost in all of Brynne's. ;P)
But I'm going nuts here. Two months and not a peep from your brother - I need to know SOMETHING as soon as possible. Thanks!
Jenny, I forwarded your message to Jordan. He's swamped right now with a big paper and a final exam, plus full time work. His exam is tomorrow night - so pray for a great result for him. Take care!
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