Friday, November 26, 2004


Hello hello again. So today I woke up an hour earlier than usual because I can't tell time. So I suck and am exhausted! But I actually ate breakfast this morning and read some of To Kill A Mockingbird, which was nice.
I'm excited, because today I get my HOJA CD! They were so awesome! And yeah, there are three different ones and Sarah and Ashley and I are collectively getting them all, so we'll share! I'm excited. Okay so my lips have been so uber dry lately, its annoying! Especially after band class. And so I've been slathering vasoline on them (hot, I know) but it like soaks in in like 2 minutes. So I hafta keep slopping it on. Yuck, it tastes bad. So yesterday we went to the art gallery in Brandon and looked at two different shows. One was The Best Man by Riel Benn, and the other was Cowboys and Indians (and Métis?) by David Garneau. They were really good! The Riel Benn stuff was really weird though. It was kinda creepy. He's really talented, though. I guess he just likes to use his talent to paint weird things. Then we got to paint with acryllic paint, which is the bestest. That was fun too. And on the way back we listened to Brynne's Kalan Porter CD!! I love it! There are some really good songs! Kalan is so awesome and pretty and NOT girly (darn you, Kalan bashers!). I guess it was weird that I called him pretty and ungirly in the same sentence. I'm a freak. Anyways, off to do some dreaded math before going to dreaded art and then buying my HOJA CD! Whoo! Talk at y'all later!
P.S. Last night I said goodbye to Patches, the cat Brynne is taking care of. I love that cat and I will seriously miss her! I love having a cat, and she's so pretty and cuddly and cute! I'll post some pictures if they turn out.

1 comment:

Brynne said...

So how was Hoja on Sat?? I so wish I could have gone. Phooey...I LOVE KALAN!! Sorry, just had to get that out. Kay, you so can't complain about me not posting, cause you totally haven't posted since Friday. I know I haven't posted since Friday either, but I posted 3 times, so I'm forgiven. LoL, just teasing. I'm just tired and stupid. I'm busy finishing homework. Blech. TTYL