Wednesday, July 02, 2008

day one.

The 40 Day Challenge.

Write everyday for 40 days answering these 5 questions:

1. one song lyric stuck in my head today.

2. what I am grateful for.

3. one thing I really want.

4. what was one moment of pure happiness today.

5. write about one person in my life that I love.

-- I was inspired to do this by my beautiful friend Leanne. I hope that by doing this I will be reminded of the good things in my life every day, and to get a desire to start blogging again. --

1. Song lyric harassing my brain today:

Well I sold my soul to Jesus and since then I’ve had no fun. – Laura Marling, The Captain and the Hourglass (Alas I Cannot Swim)

(It’s horrible, I know. Its just to the catchiest melody ever. Her CD tells me she has had a very bad experience with religion on the whole. I keep trying to remove it from my head by substituting the word ‘more’ for ‘no.’)

2. What I am grateful for:

This most wonderful day off to do something nice for people who are nice to me. I loved having time to bake and do dishes for the Wiebes and felt productive and restful all at once. The sun today has been amazing too.

3. What I wanted today:

I really wanted Terrell to not work late and to hang out with him, just relax and talk and laugh. And we got to do that! Watching Family Feud (they uh…stuff themselves into clothes) and America’s Got Talent while eating mouth-burning chips, giving massages and laughing was an excellent way to spend the evening.

4. Pure happiness:

Sitting on a bench with Terrell on this gorgeous day eating a hamburger and dripping relish on all my extremities (thigh and bicep. What is that, honestly?). When he smiled at me and said, “I’m happy you’re here.”

When after eating the supper I made (and a cinnamon bun I made too), Bruce said, “That was delicious.”

5. Somebody I loooooove:

Is it weird that I really want to say God? I mean He is somebody I love. Today I was reading my prayer journal that I’ve had since Outtatown and write in sporadically. I was reading all the things I wrote last summer, how happy I was and how God just filled me with joy every single day when I really needed it. It was a real interesting read, because I was so darn HONEST every time I wrote, whether I was happy or mad or sad or frustrated, I was so honest with God. Because I think He’s the only one who I can be that honest with, and I LOVE that. There is so much freedom there, knowing I can say anything to God and He loves me the same. I mean I can be honest with Terrell (and I am), but there is something so amazing about pouring your heart out to a God who cares. God is so faithful to me. In the winter I prayed that I would go wherever He called me this summer and be happy there doing whatever I had to do because I knew that was where He wanted me to be. So that’s what I’m doing. And that’s why I love God – He really does grant all the desires of the heart.

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